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Pakistan, Iran call for immediate end to Israeli aggression in Gaza

Pakistan, Iran call for immediate end to Israeli aggression in Gaza

ISLAMABAD   –   Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar and Acting Foreign Minister of Iran Ali Ba­gheri on Saturday discussed the situa­tion arising out of ongoing Israeli bom­bardment and targeting of refugee camps in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. They called for urgent measures to bring an immediate end to Israeli aggression, its incessant crimes against humanity and violation of international humani­tarian law. The deputy prime minister and foreign minister met Iranian act­ing foreign minister the on the mar­gins of the Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul, Turkiye, Foreign Office Spokesperson said in a press release. The deputy prime minister and foreign minister reaffirmed Paki­stan’s strong commitment to the peo­ple of Palestine and their right to self-determination. The two ministers expressed satisfaction over the tra­jectory of bilateral relations marked by increased high-level exchanges in political, economic, defence and se­curity and intelligence spheres. They reaffirmed commitment and resolve to continue strengthening of mutu­ally beneficial bilateral cooperation and dialogue between the Pakistan and Iran. The acting foreign minister of Iran congratulated Deputy Prime Minister Dar on Pakistan’s election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Dar expressed Pakistan’s appreciation for Iran’s support and the desire for working together to uphold international law and the UN Charter.

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