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China to support for localisation of Pakistan’s medical device industry

China to support for localisation of Pakistan’s medical device industry

ISLAMABAD   –  Hangzhou Aiche Medical Technol­ogy Co, Ltd (a subsidiary of Boyue Group) and Pakistan’s Lab Diag­nostic Systems (LDS) upgraded their strategic partnership.

The two companies will en­gage in deep cooperation in POCT (Point-of-Care Testing), jointly de­veloping and optimising compre­hensive solutions tailored to local needs, accelerating application re­search and development, and fa­cilitating the transformation of outcomes. 

This will support continuous in­novation in the in vitro diagnostics sector.

Compared with its popula­tion size, Pakistan faces signifi­cant challenges due to insufficient healthcare personnel and facili­ties. 

Over 90% of the country’s med­ical devices and diagnostic equip­ment are imported from the USA, UK, Germany, and China, cost­ing approximately $1.1 billion an­nually to meet domestic medical needs. 

Against this backdrop, some Chi­nese enterprises are focusing on technology transfer and deepen­ing localised production. 

This collaboration marks an im­portant step towards the localisa­tion of Pakistan’s medical device industry, injecting new momen­tum into improving local health­care standards and economic growth.

As one of the companies visiting China with the Prime Minister of Pakistan this May, LDS participat­ed in the Belt and Road Business Dialogue held in Shenzhen. 

On June 4, LDS signed a Memo­randum of Understanding (MoU) in Shenzhen, outlining plans for the technology transfer and deepening of localized produc­tion of in vitro diagnostic rea­gents in Pakistan.

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