Police officers and officials in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) have been prohibited from sharing opinions or posting content on social media without prior approval, as per a directive issued on Tuesday by Inspector General (IG) of Police Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi.
The memorandum restricts officers from speaking at public events in an official capacity, publishing articles, or expressing opinions on any social media platform without obtaining permission first. It also bans officers from creating videos or taking photographs in police uniform within government premises, buildings, vehicles, or private locations for personal promotion or publicity.
Additionally, officers are strictly prohibited from uploading any secret or official documents, photos, or related content on social media. The directive also prevents officers from sharing personal, political, or religious views on any media platform.
According to the IG, the Public Relations Branch of the Central Police Office (CPO) will be the only authorized channel for posting updates about police activities. Officers wishing to share positive departmental achievements on social media must first receive approval from the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Headquarters, CPO, through the Public Relations Branch.
The directive further states that unit heads are responsible for overseeing and monitoring the social media activity of officers within their divisions, zones, and units. Any violations of the rules will result in strict disciplinary action.
The policy will remain in effect until further notice, with officers at all levels expected to ensure its thorough enforcement.